# SPARQL Examples # During a five-minute break, the instructor loads everyone's foaf files into a redstore instance: https://www.aelius.com/njh/redstore/ # Who works at the Smathers Library? PREFIX foaf: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: SELECT ?name WHERE { ?person foaf:name ?name . } # What are their names and e-mail addresses? PREFIX foaf: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: SELECT ?name ?email WHERE { ?person foaf:name ?name . ?person foaf:mbox ?email . } #Create a picture gallery PREFIX foaf: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: SELECT ?pic WHERE { ?person foaf:depiction ?pic . } # Build a social network (understand inferencing and CONSTRUCT queries) PREFIX foaf: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: CONSTRUCT { foaf:knows ?coworker . ?coworker foaf:knows ?others . } WHERE { ?coworker foaf:knows . }